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      Sheridan engaged Greater Group to develop a new retail concept that allowed them to merchandise their growing homeware ranges, educate the consumer on design and quality and empower their customers to make purchasing decisions to realise their own interior design vision. greater group developed the concept of the Sheridan Studio, a flexible retail environment where customers can explore the wider product range, mix and match to create their own unique look and receive guided advise from the in store team.

      More products were taken out of the package and cross merchandised and families of products where merchandised together. The Store is anchored off a central studio table where customer can consult with the store staff on their own interior vision and explore fabric swatches and samples that compliment Sheridan new furniture range. A new digital platform that the Sheridan staff will use to further enrich the styling and selection service will also be available at this location, however this wasn’t developed in time for launch.


      Melbourne, Australia
      Lifestyle & Speciality
      250 Square Metre
      Design, Procurement & Build

      Other Projects


      Send us a brief overview and we'll be in touch within 24 hours